8000LB Rolls OF Film
ROLL RACK HOLDS DIFFERENT LENGTH CORES and HAS EZ LIFT CRADLE END PANELS, EXCEEDS US DOT SAFE TRUCK TRAILER BRAKING REQUIREMENTSWe are manufacturers of very unique large size roll rack with spring loaded adjustable ends to ship & store rolls of flexible packaging film up to 8000 lbs. Our client was using a steel rack that was very poorly designed, was prone to metal fatigue and was not in compliance with personal safety guidelines. The footprint of existing rack met the handling, storage & trailer loading performance factors. Our roll rack matches the same footprint.
- Handles rolls of flexible film up to 133
How it works:
- The spring loaded core supports have indicators on a guide track to show the appropriate core length position
- The spring loaded ends of the rack are slid to the appropriate core length and with a single hand popped up to the vertical position. The slight raising of the end activates the heavy duty spring assembly, which brings to end to vertical. Lift weight is under 10lb at the start of the operators lift action.
- The vertical ends LOCK IN the chosen guide track location.
- With the ends in the up position the exposed steel cores are ready for removal
- The 10
Safe Trailer Transport
- To our knowledge – our rack is the ONLY steel shipping rack designed to meet the US Safety requirement for safe transport of these larger size rolls.
- The US requirement is concerned with preventing the roll from leaving the steel shipping rack and damage to the steel shipping rack, must not occur. We exceed both of these testing points.
- The testing consists of highway speed testing, with an emergency stop within 250′. The roll cannot transition out of the cradles; the ends of the steel rack cannot deflect.
- We meet these requirements with our design. Our client has hundreds in their system with no occurrence of damage to rolls or racks.
- The ROI on this project was easily covered in 6 months use.
We have solutions already completed for hundreds of material handling applications, from rolled materials like this to rigid component parts. We may have just the one you need, if not we will design and supply the perfect system to meet your unique application.
“From Creative Concepts Come Ideal Solutions”

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